May 26Liked by Raviraj Achar, Akash Mukherjee

Just WOW!! Today, I practically came to know what making an impact really means!!


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You're too kind, Kunal. Thank you for your kind words.

It's been great working with Raviraj and him helping me relive some of these memories and without his help, the experience wouldn't have been this vivid.

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Highly looking forward to reading many more of your experiences Akash.

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Really interesting stuff, Raviraj. Thanks for sharing Akash.

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Glad you liked it!

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May 24Liked by Raviraj Achar, Akash Mukherjee

Nice collaboration.

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Thank you, Junaid.

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May 23Liked by Raviraj Achar, Akash Mukherjee

Thanks for sharing your journey Akash.

Such a stellar growth

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Thanks, Hemant. Glad you enjoyed reading my story :)

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May 23Liked by Raviraj Achar, Akash Mukherjee

Thanks for sharing your journey! 👏🏼 It's important to me the point about "find what makes more impact in your organization"; this is not always easy to find out!

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Glad you liked it, Marcos.

You're absolutely right, finding what's needed at the organization right now can be tricky. My learning here was speak to a lot of people, not just within the org, but get a perspective from outside as well. Outside can be other parts of the company.

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Mmmm, good advice, ✍🏻 taking note of that. Thanks!

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May 23Liked by Raviraj Achar, Akash Mukherjee

Great story about how "Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable" helps to grow! Congrats Akash for the highest rankings and such growth in very short time!

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Thanks, Gregor.

That's the mantra, never get comfortable. Glad you enjoyed the story.

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May 26Liked by Akash Mukherjee

Thanks for sharing your Journey Akash. Very inspiring 👏 loved the article.

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Glad you liked it!

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May 26Liked by Akash Mukherjee

Inspiring story, thanks for sharing the hidden struggles, could resonate with many experiences.

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Glad it resonated :)

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May 26Liked by Akash Mukherjee

Thanks for sharing, I am curious why such high impact engineer would leave to another company?, I want to know what /why is the appropriate time to leave the current role and move on. Will wait for the follow up article on that.

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That's an excellent question, Prashanth. I've an upcoming article on this topic, "Why I left Google after getting the highest rating and promotion".

There were a lot of factors that went into making this decision, I loved it there at Google, and I always felt valued. I'll tell the same thing I told my VP (Chrome VP) before leaving, "I want to experience other cultures outside Google, before settling down with one".

In short, I felt too comfortable, always having answers. And of course, AI played a big role in my move as well.

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I loved the format and story! Very impressive Akash :)

Constantly moving outside your comfort is something I wholeheartedly agree with.

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Thanks, Anton. Glad you enjoyed the story.

People wanting growth needs to always be uncomfortable, glad this resonated with you :)

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Hustle culture

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